"Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." Psalm 29:2
At Hillcrest Presbyterian Church, we pursue both reverence and relevance in our corporate worship. Corporate worship brings the church near to the Triune God – He who is “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isaiah 6:3). We seek to come before this God with reverence because He initiates our worship and invites us to draw near to His glory, power, holiness and grace. Corporate worship also brings the means of God’s grace near to the church – that which is given for the church to “be transformed by the renewing of [our] minds” (Romans 12:2). We therefore seek worship that is relevant to the needs of God’s people – proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, encouraging the saints with God’s promises and exhorting them to die to self and live for Christ.
Our morning worship is traditional and draws upon the best of historic Reformed worship. Our evening service is more relaxed and includes an extended period of prayer at the end by men from among the congregation. We invite you to come and worship the God of all glory, majesty and grace!
Morning worship begins at 10:55 AM and evening worship begins at 6:00 PM. Childcare for children under three is available during morning worship.
At Hillcrest Presbyterian Church, we pursue both reverence and relevance in our corporate worship. Corporate worship brings the church near to the Triune God – He who is “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isaiah 6:3). We seek to come before this God with reverence because He initiates our worship and invites us to draw near to His glory, power, holiness and grace. Corporate worship also brings the means of God’s grace near to the church – that which is given for the church to “be transformed by the renewing of [our] minds” (Romans 12:2). We therefore seek worship that is relevant to the needs of God’s people – proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, encouraging the saints with God’s promises and exhorting them to die to self and live for Christ.
Our morning worship is traditional and draws upon the best of historic Reformed worship. Our evening service is more relaxed and includes an extended period of prayer at the end by men from among the congregation. We invite you to come and worship the God of all glory, majesty and grace!
Morning worship begins at 10:55 AM and evening worship begins at 6:00 PM. Childcare for children under three is available during morning worship.